Blood in the urine, or hematuria, is a common symptom of multiple medical conditions. In this article, we’ll explain the most common causes of blood in the urine and when it needs to be further investigated.


Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

A UTI is one of the most common causes of blood in urine. It occurs when bacteria enter through the urethra and migrate up into the bladder and/or kidneys, causing irritation and inflammation which can lead to bleeding of the urinary tract lining. Symptoms include frequent urination with a burning sensation, pain or pressure in the lower abdomen area, and cloudy or bloody urine. A urine test will confirm if you have a UTI.


Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form inside your kidneys due to high levels of calcium or other substances such as uric acid. They can cause painful blockages when they move from the kidney into any part of the urinary tract. Common signs of kidney stones include abdominal pain, back pain, nausea, vomiting, and discolored or smelly urine with traces of blood.



Accidental trauma to your abdomen can also cause blood in your urine, especially after vigorous exercise like running or contact sports. Signs such as intense abdominal pain should be immediately checked by a doctor if you suspect injury has occurred.


Underlying Diseases

Bloody urine may also be an indication of a more serious condition such as cancer, kidney disease, and bladder infections which require further investigation by your doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment options. Prostate enlargement can also cause difficulty urinating which may result in bloody urine due to irritation against the urinary tract walls during urination attempts.


In conclusion, there are many potential causes for hematuria that range from mild such as UTI to more serious conditions like cancer depending on individual cases so it’s important not to ignore any signs that something might be wrong.


If you experience any regular episodes of hematuria, then it’s best to seek medical advice to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment is given so any underlying issue can be addressed effectively.


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Dr. Arnold J. Willis, MD, F.I.C.S.

Dr. Willis is a Board-certified Urology and Men’s Health expert with extensive clinical expertise in treating highly complex urological issues that affect men of all ages. He is available for on-demand telehealth consultations at your convenience. Click here to visit his membership page.

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